Page 13 - Internationalist Magazine 2013 66
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transport and erect; and are reliable and easy Development costs are roughly in line with 

to maintain. Vestas utilizes its huge data the cost of a regular media campaign. Wind 

processing capabilities to identify energy- for Prosperity constitutes a relatively small 

deprived but wind-rich areas where the hybrid share of Vestas’ annual marketing budget. 

power generation solution can be installed.
We expect this to be a successful investment 

commercially – adding to the bottom line

Where will the irst projects be built?
in the near-term and helping to open new 

The irst Wind for Prosperity projects will markets to wind energy further down the line.

center on up to 13 Kenyan communities that are 

home to more than 200,000 people. Work is Vestas is just beginning to show positive 

progressing with the Kenyan Ministry of Energy results from the two-year turn-around. 

and Kenya Power and Light Company to inalize Shouldn’t you concentrate on your core 

the plans for deploying the irst sites in 2014. business instead of saving poor people 

The projects will supply electricity at least 30% around the world?

below the current cost of diesel generation; and Wind for Prosperity is a cornerstone of Vestas’ 

when fully implemented, will reduce diesel fuel strategy to open and develop new markets, 

use by more than 2,000 tons per year.
and the project itself will generate small but 

proitable sales for Vestas, primarily through 

Additional opportunities are being explored in selling our combined wind-diesel solution and 

countries such as Ethiopia, Tanzania, Yemen, wind data. The concept is commercially-based 

Pakistan, Vietnam, and Nicaragua.
and thus more sustainable than efforts based 

on philanthropy, traditional development 

Are Vestas and Masdar doing this for assistance or CSR motivations. It creates

business reasons or charity?
an opportunity for business, government, 

Vestas and Masdar expect Wind for Prosperity and inancial institutions to combine their 

to be a sound business activity for our talents to improve people’s lives and generate 

companies, as it will succeed only if it rests on risk-adjusted returns for private investors. 

a sound commercial basis. Vestas and Masdar That we provide a solution with the potential 

expect to earn a return on their investments; to improve the lives of millions of people in 

and investors and suppliers should also expect developing countries is something we are 

proud of.
to earn a reasonable return that motivates 

them to work towards long-term success of 
How much will Vestas earn on Wind for 
the initiative. Of course, Vestas and Masdar 
are also motivated by the positive social and 

economic impact of the projects.
The agreement with Wind for Prosperity’s 

investors is that Vestas will sell its wind-diesel 

How much has Vestas invested in bringing solution and wind data on market conditions 

Wind for Prosperity to life?
with an expected proit margin in line with 

The initiative has been funded out of
what we normally see in our business.

Vestas’ marketing budget for new markets. 11

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