Page 11 - Internationalist Magazine 2013 66
P. 11


Marketing Makes a World of Difference

Interview with Morten Albaek, CMO of Vestas on 

Wind for Prosperity

This November, The Internationalist and the ANA/Association of National Advertisers presented the irst in 

a series of think tanks called Marketing Makes a World of Difference that enables marketers to learn more 

about programs that do good, transform brand and consumer relationships, and make an impact on the 

world at large.

Four extraordinary marketers of varied national origin from four different industry sectors discussed how 

they are helping their companies embrace big, sustainable ideas with innovative marketing strategies that 

connect deeply with customers’ passions and values. These programs go beyond charitable giving, Corporate 

Social Responsibility projects, “green” initiatives, or even cause-related ventures. They are simply CENTRAL 

to marketing ideals and new business models. When done right, these initiatives result in growth and in 

literally making a difference in the world.

Today’s social media environment with its constant sharing, commentary, advocacy and criticism has 

dramatically shifted the rules of “doing good business,” and global marketing organizations must evolve 

to address new challenges and opportunities. The assumption of responsibility and the adoption of greater 

transparency are now critical to how any brand or business plays its proper role in society. This new way of 

working represents a global revolution in marketing objectives and possibilities.

The speakers included: 

Morten Albaek, Group SVP,
sustainable growth via the debut annual turnover, thanks to

Global MarCom & Corporate of “Project Sunlight.”
smart PR initiatives and brand 

Relations for Denmark’s Vestas collaboration in today’s inspiring 
Wind Systems, outlined Wind Kieran Foley, Group Marketing social media world.

for Prosperity, a new global Director for Ireland’s Digicel, a Vestas’ Morten Albaek 

initiative based on an innovative global telecommunications characterized this new way of 
commercial business model to company, discussed how the thinking by describing it as “the 

enter emerging markets and service provider does business intersection of capitalism and 

ensure long-term sustainable in some of the world’s poorest humanism.” He added, “These 
economic development by regions by recognizing
projects go beyond CSR; they 

providing electricity to those its responsibility to build represent new business models. 

without it.
communities while delivering on The role of marketing is still to 

its promise to “be extraordinary.”
create future demand for products 
Babs Rangaiah, Vice President and services. Today, marketing 

of Global Media Innovation
Albe Zakes, Global Vice President also drives new programs for new 

& Ventures for Anglo/Dutch of Communications for TerraCycle generations. Marketers must be 
Unilever, shared the next stage Inc., demonstrated how the at the forefront of the business- 

of the company’s efforts to innovative recycling company -thinking 5, 10 or even 15 years

communicate its belief in
has grown to operate in 24 world ahead of the sales cycle.”
markets with a $20 million 9

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