Page 12 - Internationalist Magazine 2013 66
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Denmark’s Vestas Wind an economically-viable manner.
Systems A/S, is the This November in New York, Vestas’ Morten
world’s biggest wind Albaek, in collaboration with the United Nations
turbine manufacturer. The and Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Managing
company’s inspirational Director and CEO of Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s
CMO Morten Albaek had renewable energy company, introduce the Wind
an insight last year that
for Prosperity initiative. Along with an esteemed
is now at the root of a panel including Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director
ground-breaking corporate of the Earth Institute and Professor of Sustainable
initiative to ight energy
Development at Columbia University and Georg
poverty. He knew that approximately 1.3 billion Kell, Executive Director of United Nations Global
people today live without reliable access to Compact (UNGC), these leading energy experts
electricity. He also realized that Vestas has the discussed poverty, electricity access, sustainable
ability to identify areas of the world where wind growth, and how other corporations can lend
resources can be exploited at low cost in remote support.
communities. Albaek and his team discovered
that 50 million people are living in areas of high The initial goal of Wind for Prosperity is to deploy
poverty with abundant wind resources. Wind wind energy that provides electricity for 100
for Prosperity was born when Vestas recognized
communities or roughly one million people within
Qthat rural, off-grid communities could experience
the next three years.
sustainable prosperity by harvestingA
the wind in
with the innovative thinker
behind this project,
Morten Albaek:
What is Wind for Prosperity all about?
commercially-based and thus more
sustainable than efforts based on philanthropy,
Wind for Prosperity is an innovative,
traditional development assistance or CSR
commercially-based business model to bring
affordable and reliable electricity to rural
populations that currently lack it. Anchored
How does it work?
on a wind hybrid power system, Wind
for Prosperity creates a new opportunity Wind for Prosperity combines robust, factory-
for business, government, and inancial refurbished wind turbines with advanced
institutions to combine their talents to diesel power generation to create hybrid
improve people’s lives and generate risk- systems that are well-suited for operation on
adjusted returns for private investors. mini-grids in remote locations with limited
The Wind for Prosperity concept is
infrastructure. The turbines are easy to
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